
#BrainQA, Question 21: What are the positives since your brain injury?

#BrainQA: Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram

What are the positives since your brain injury?

‘Becoming super confident about setting boundaries’

‘Weirdly I’ve become more confident.’

‘I have had to be patient which was not my strongest character trait before.’

‘Not being so afraid to stand up for others and myself. It’s good having a big mouth sometimes x’

‘Meeting a great community of people in a similar position to me.’

Two wonderful kids! A great wife! And after 27 years, I think that I have finally found “the new me”!’

‘I am more mindful and say yes less. Know the importance of saying no x’

‘Lol, nothing yet but hopefully in the future there’ll be some.’

You can take part in #BrainQA on facebook, twitter or instagram every Monday at 8pm (UK time)


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