
#BrainQA, Question 18: For those who had brain surgery, how do you feel about your scar?

#BrainQA: Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram The following answers are users from facebook, twitter and instagram, thank you everyone for answering! – For those who had brain surgery, how do you feel about your scar? ‘The best is… Continue reading #BrainQA, Question 18: For those who had brain surgery, how do you feel about your scar?


#BrainQA, Question 17: What’s improved since the early days of your brain injury?

#BrainQA: Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram The following answers are users from facebook, twitter and instagram, thank you everyone for answering! –  What’s improved since the early days of your brain injury? ‘I can read! I can (usually)… Continue reading #BrainQA, Question 17: What’s improved since the early days of your brain injury?


#BrainQA, Question 16: Do you like talking about your brain injury?

#BrainQA: Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram The following answers are users from facebook, twitter and instagram, thank you everyone for answering! – Do you like talking about your brain injury? ‘ES! I want to be in schools. Show… Continue reading #BrainQA, Question 16: Do you like talking about your brain injury?