This is part three of the fourteenth #BrainQA: How did your brain injury happen? There was a whopping 300+ answers, thank you so much for answering everyone! I spilt the answers into categories
- Poisoning, epilepsy, army accidents and medical mistakes
- Infections and diseases
- Sports
- Multiple brain injuries
- Arteriovenous malformations (AVM), aneurysms, strokes and haemorrhages
- Attacks
- Suicide attempts
- Bangs on the head
- Brain tumour surgeries
- Falls
- Road traffic accidents
‘I was raped and beaten and left for dead in the woods by my ex. He was a cop and got away with it. The brain injury happened after that last incident but the multiple concussions over 8 years due to the domestic violence didn’t help.’
‘Twenty three skull contusions to my head from my son’s father’
‘I was repeatedly hit in the head with a splitting axe to get my brain injury’
‘My abusive ex was trying to kill me. My son was terrified when he heard my head get hit’
‘Pushed down stairs’
‘My son suffered his traumatic brain injury in July 17, 2016. He was home with his father as I went to church with my oldest. My ex got really drunk and took it upon himself to hit my son repeatedly in the head. He took a vacuum and smashed his head. I found my son lying unconscious in a bathtub’
‘Domestic violence’
‘Ex-husband beat me .’
‘Domestic violence’
‘Domestic abuse!’
‘Domestic violence (not current hubby)’
Would you like to share how your brain injury happened? You can do so here
#BrainQA is a Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram
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