Here you can find links to brain injury charities and links to articles that give you advice, information and support on a variety of things relating to brain injury:
Things to expect after a brain injury
Articles and advice about life after a brain injury, what to expect.
Headway, The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT), BASIC: Brain And Spinal Injury Centre, Brain & Spine Foundation, UKABIF and Brain Injury Group.
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation, American Brain Foundation, American Brain Tumor Association and National Brain Tumor Society
Charities for a child with a brain injury, forum for parent carers and links for advice having a child with a brain tumour. Charities include: Brainstars, Child Brain Injury Trust, The Children’s Trust and Headsmart.
Useful links to help you learn more about brain injury
Hidden Illnesses after a brain injury
Relationships after a brain injury
Charities and advice about brain tumours.
I’ve tried to cover everything, but if you have any suggestions or any more links to add to the subjects please do comment below or email them to me: