Apps That Simplify Life With a Brain Injury · Useful Links

Apps that simplify living with a brain injury, part one: Password Managers

‘New password cannot be the same as your old password’ ‘Password does not contain enough characters’ ‘Password must be 8 characters including 1 uppercase letter and 1 special character’ We all know these frustrations… They’ve happened daily with me and with many logins. It’s the same for every person living with a brain injury. Do not… Continue reading Apps that simplify living with a brain injury, part one: Password Managers

Useful Links

Help Me Remember: A podcast episode on brain injury by Terrible, Thanks for Asking (TTFA)

Click here to listen I’ve only just discovered Terrible, Thanks for Asking and I’m binge listening to all of them. Something you may not know about me? I never read a full synopsis of something or watch a full film trailer… Why I hear you ask? Because they always give too much away and I enjoy… Continue reading Help Me Remember: A podcast episode on brain injury by Terrible, Thanks for Asking (TTFA)

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Headway brain injury identity (ID) card: ‘A simple solution to a tricky conversation’

My name is: Naomi (my surname is on here but I’ve edited it out because it’s my birth name and I hate it) I have a brain injury and as a result: I find crowded environments difficult I find noisy environments difficult I experience fatigue I can experience mood swings On Thursday 26th October Headway… Continue reading Headway brain injury identity (ID) card: ‘A simple solution to a tricky conversation’

Useful Links

Brain Injury Charities and Useful Links

Here you can find links to brain injury charities and links to articles that give you advice, information and support on a variety of things relating to brain injury: Things to expect after a brain injury Articles and advice about life after a brain injury, what to expect. UK Charities Headway, The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust… Continue reading Brain Injury Charities and Useful Links

Useful Links

The Spoon Theory – Spoonie

Spoonie #Spoonie “Spoonie” My friend sent me this link over a year now, and ever since we’ve been spoonie best friends as she also has a hidden illness. The woman who wrote this (a fellow spoonie) Christine Miserandino has Lupus. During a meal with her friend, her friend asks out of the blue what it… Continue reading The Spoon Theory – Spoonie

Useful Links

Distracting Your Brain From The Sensation of Pain

An important question asked on the Reddit forum ELI5 (Explain like I’m 5) answered for everyone who has had a brain or head injury, an interesting thing to learn about and the kind of thing you wouldn’t think about but are glad to come across: ELI5: Why is it that when you hit (I.e bang… Continue reading Distracting Your Brain From The Sensation of Pain