#BrainQA: Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram
The following answers are users from facebook, twitter and instagram, thank you everyone for answering!
What’s the best advice you’ve been given since your brain injury?
‘Write everything down.’
‘I agree write everything down. keep a journal as well, to look back on how far you’ve come too.’
‘Sleep when your body tells you to’
‘Mindfulness thinking to help bring calmness back when panic and anxiety takes over, change your focus. Be kind to yourself, this is hard so do what nourishes you and doesn’t deplete you. Its ok to have sofa days.’
‘Meditate and reduce all stress’
‘Be patient!!! Trust the process!’
‘take ONE DAY AT A TIME. And some days, one moment at a time!’
You can take part in #BrainQA on facebook, twitter or instagram every Monday at 8pm (UK time)