#BrainQA: Q&A to bring brain injury survivors together and to raise brain injury awareness. Every Monday at 8pm (UK time) on facebook, twitter and instagram
The following answers are users from facebook, twitter and instagram, thank you everyone for answering!
What’s the worst advice you’ve been given?
‘A speech therapist gave the following advice, she said: “I was diagnosed with cancer, and I decided I simply WON’T let this rule my life! I’ll tell you now, it’s all about what you decide…You just need to make the DECISION that this brain injury won’t rule your life!” This was in response to me telling her that I had just been declared totally and permanently disabled (by 6 separate neuro specialists) after a severe TBI. I was so depressed after this advice that I couldn’t get out of bed for days. (And in the light of being a high performer premorbidly, and not letting anything ever get me down). People often have the cleverest advice, but unless they have a brain injury themselves, they should rather keep that advice to themselves. It’s not about choosing with a brain injury… I’m sure if it was a matter of choice, we’d all simply choose to be who we used to be!’
‘I was primed by multiple therapists to resume my pre ABI life and to enrol in full time uni, third year, second semester, again. (After living in a brain injury rehab unit for months). All based on my pre ABI uni grades. Nothing was set up, to help me transition or cope. So I failed, spectacularly. And assumed it was me.
First time – full time load
Second time – part time load
Third time – one subject’
‘A neurologist (not one who specialises in TBI) told me “there’s no pill to make you better, sorry!!” Oh, and same Dr says, “I don’t write Rx for any pain. That’s a pain Dr”!! What in Gods name does he think he does? Read x-rays all day and tell me how bad I’m injured and bye!! Went to “pain Dr” and he only wants to do a “procedure to my neck, while I’m sedated, to push needles in my neck to affect the nerves running up through my head so they’ll tell my brain I’m not in pain”!! Seriously?!!
I was in administrator in healthcare for 25+ years. None of these answers are acceptable! Poor patient care! I have 3 TBIs and this is what I get for care?’
You can take part in #BrainQA on facebook, twitter or instagram every Monday at 8pm (UK time)
#BrainInjury #BrainInjuryAwareness #TBI #ABI #BrainInjurySurvivors