Personal Blog Posts

Are other Brain Injury Bloggers/Websites your competitors or is it a community?

Brain Injury Bloggers United? A friend asked me this a while ago and it’s a great question. We had a good discussion about it and I’d like to share my thoughts with you. I went into Alphabet Brains with only these goals: help people and raise awareness on brain injury. So when I was asked… Continue reading Are other Brain Injury Bloggers/Websites your competitors or is it a community?

Brain Injury Documentaries

Our Beautiful Broken Brains: My Beautiful Broken Brain Review

This is an old post about My Beautiful Broken Brain (Netflix: Lotje Sodderland journeys into her own brain to recover and rehabilitate after a hemorrhagic stroke leaves her unable to communicate) from my personal Tumblr account, but after having a realisation on how far I’ve come since starting Alphabet Brains I want to share it on here.… Continue reading Our Beautiful Broken Brains: My Beautiful Broken Brain Review


Overhearing “Brain Injury isn’t really a disability”

“Yes it fucking is!” is what I wanted to say, I was so angry and upset! But I didn’t and am regretting it so much now. I’ve over reacted before when it comes to my brain injury. It was the first New Years Eve after my accident and I was at a party playing Cards… Continue reading Overhearing “Brain Injury isn’t really a disability”

Useful Links

Distracting Your Brain From The Sensation of Pain

An important question asked on the Reddit forum ELI5 (Explain like I’m 5) answered for everyone who has had a brain or head injury, an interesting thing to learn about and the kind of thing you wouldn’t think about but are glad to come across: ELI5: Why is it that when you hit (I.e bang… Continue reading Distracting Your Brain From The Sensation of Pain

Personal Blog Posts

The Fear of Falling

The fear of falling after brain injury… I’ve hit my head a couple of times since my brain injury: On a television attached to the wall after bending over to pick something up, underneath the stairs and I’m sure a few other times that I can’t remember. Nothing as bad as what happened last week.… Continue reading The Fear of Falling


Apple’s Brain Injury Emoji: An Illustration

A little drawing I did of Apple’s brain injury emoji. I thought it would be perfect for our community! ? I’ve been asking on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter what everyone thinks of it: • Do you use it regularly? • Does it offend you? • Is it just another emoji that gets lost with all the others?… Continue reading Apple’s Brain Injury Emoji: An Illustration